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Writer's pictureFr. Kramer Cameron, LC

Sunday Message from Fr. Kramer - March 20, 2022

Updated: Nov 6, 2022

Is it God who comes to encounter us or are we the ones who go to encounter God? We are the ones who come to Mass. We go to confession. We pray the rosary. We go to spiritual guidance. We help our brothers and sisters in need. In today's first reading however, God comes to encounter Moses in the burning bush. Moses was just going about his business as a shepherd and God entered into his world. God, the all-powerful, stepped into Moses' world. Why? Because God loved him. God took the initiative first.

Moses also responded. He stepped forward. He accepted that God knocked on the door of his heart. He opened. He listened. His life changed.

Is it God who comes to encounter us or are we the ones who go to encounter God? The answer is both, yet it is always God who takes the initiative first. It is always God who calls us first. It is God who moves our hearts to come to him. It is God who attracts our hearts to the light, to goodness, to love, to Mass, to confession, to take Mary by the hand and pray the rosary, to go to spiritual guidance, to charity... God is the first mover. It is God's grace that first acts. It is his heart that first longs for us, that first loves us. Our job is simply to respond. Our job is to cooperate with God. Our job is to let go of what holds us back from hearing God, experiencing God, letting God work in our lives and in the world. It's not easy, but it's a gift God wants to give us this Lent.

I invite you to pray, "Lord, help me to recognize your action in my life! Lord, help me to respond!"

Have a great week! If you need anything, never hesitate to ask me.

God bless you and your loved ones, Fr. Kramer Cameron, LC

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