Eucharistic tabernacle (circa 1512)
by Andrea Della Robbia
This ceramic work represents two angels holding open a curtain which reveals the tabernacle with the Trinity on a blue starry background. Four columns in linear perspective point towards the door of the tabernacle with the figure of Christ rising from the tomb. In the lunette above, there is a dove representing the Holy Spirit and in the top section, God the Father is depicted giving his blessing.
The Immaculate Conception (1540-1541)
by Giorgio Vasari
This is a masterpiece of Vasari among his religious works. The painting depicts the tree of original sin to which Adam and Eve, and the Old Testament patriarchs up to John the Baptist are tied to its branches. Mary crushes the head of the devil (snake) and carries a child in her womb, the child that will free humanity from the slavery of sin.
Stones from the Tomb of Jesus and "Fire holder" (13th-14th centuries)
by Florentine goldsmiths
In the Church of Santi Apostoli e Biagio there are three stones that are preserved and come from the Tomb of Jesus in Jerusalem. Goffredo di Buglione donated this precious relic to Pazzino de' Pazzi, a Florentine knight, on the occasion of the First Crusade, for his courage in the reconquest of the city. These flints are still carried in a solemn procession to the Cathedral of Florence to light the candle of the Easter Vigil. The “Fire holder” is made of bronze and supported by a gilded copper cup. On the far top (the oldest part dating back to 13th century) is the dove, which is used during the Easter ceremony of the “Explosion of the cart”.
Enthroned Virgin and Saints (1382)
by Iacopo di Cione and Niccolò di Pietro Gerini
The painting was originally located in the convent of the Poor Clares in via dei Malcontenti. In 1950, the altarpiece was moved to the Church of Santi Apostoli e Biagio in place of an altarpiece representing Pentecost by Orcagna. In the center of the painting the Virgin and the Child are represented. At her sides there are two angels, Saint Clare and Saint Catherine of Alexandria. The other four figures are: Saint Lawrence, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Francis and Saint Stephen.