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  • Writer's pictureFr. Kramer Cameron, LC

Sunday Message from Fr. Kramer - December 12, 2021

Updated: Mar 13, 2022

This Sunday was Gaudete Sunday! It is a time to rejoice! It is a time of joy! My invitation for you this week is to take some time and reflect on reasons that you may have to rejoice!

This year I am rejoicing for the gift and blessing of my ordination to the priesthood! I came to Michigan this weekend, where I worked in youth ministry from 2013-2014, to celebrate for my friends for the first time as a priest. It has filled me with great hope and joy to see many friends and to celebrate the Mass with them. In my years in youth ministry I did a lot and tried to help a lot of people, but the power of the Mass is infinite and what I did this weekend for my friends, through the celebration of the Mass, has infinite value that goes way beyond anything I can do myself. This is one gift that I am full of joy for! How about you? This is a great week as we approach Christmas and as we wrap up 2021, to recall and write down the blessings and reasons you have for joy and for rejoicing.

Have a wonderful week! If you need anything, never hesitate to ask me.

God bless you and your loved ones, Fr. Kramer Cameron, LC

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