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  • Writer's pictureFr. Kramer Cameron, LC

Sunday Message from Fr. Kramer - June 19, 2022

Updated: Nov 6, 2022

Today we are celebrating Corpus Christi and Father’s Day and I believe there is an intimate connection between the two celebrations. I would like to tell you a story about an experience I had with Jesus in the Eucharist.

I have always been someone with a lot of questions. Rather than just accept things, I like to understand. I like to understand the deepest meaning of things, the essence of things. I was in my first year of seminary and I was really struggling, not so much with seminary life, but with real essential issues: like God’s existence, the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, my calling to the priesthood… really essential things for a guy on his journey to the priesthood. Looking back I would say that it was a mix of seeking the truth, wanting to understand and not being satisfied with an overly simplistic “faith”. It was also a time of trial, temptation, but also a maturing process that God was putting me through. It was also a space and time of grace.

So in the midst of all of this, it was the Easter Vigil Mass, 2005, during the moment of “Behold the Lamb of God”... and I had an experience that changed my life. It was an experience of God’s infinite love. It was an overwhelming experience of God’s love for me. It was the deepest, most certain, most real, most secure experience I had had up to that point… my fears, my doubts, my temptations, disappeared. It’s hard to explain in mere words, but it was so powerful that I was so sure that God loved me that everything else made sense: the existence of God, the Eucharist, my calling to the priesthood… God’s love was so real that I literally had nothing to worry about.

Today, we are celebrating Corpus Christi. Perhaps some of you find yourself in a moment similar to me back in 2005. But my message for you today is that God has a special grace in store for you. God wants to reveal to you how much he loves you. God wants you not just to think it, believe it, but to experience it and this experience will change your life. I invite you today to ask God to experience his love for you.

His love is so great that he will do anything for you. And this is the connection with Father’s Day! Fathers, you are called to love like Jesus and give your life for your bride, your children, your family. Without a real experience of God’s love for you, this mission will be impossible. Today, ask God for an experience of his love for you and let each of us ask and pray to God, the Father, that our fathers will have this experience.

Have a great week! If you need anything, never hesitate to ask me.

God bless you and your loved ones, Fr. Kramer Cameron, LC

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